Anser anser domesticus Skull Replica or Domestic Goose Skull measures 5.6 inches. Anser anser domesticus Skull Replica is museum quality polyurethane cast. 2-part skull (separate cranium & jaw). Made in USA.
Our precise skull can be used as a teaching tool, museum skull exhibit, home décor skull, or office décor skull.
Domestic Goose or Anser anser domesticus are domesticated grey geese that are kept by humans as poultry for their meat, eggs, and down feathers since ancient times.
Domestic Goose or Anser anser domesticus are domesticated grey geese (either greylag geese or swan geese) that are kept by humans as poultry for their meat, eggs and down feathers since ancient times. Approximately 700 million geese are slaughtered each year for meat worldwide.
As most Domestic Goose or Anser anser domesticus display little sexual dimorphism, sexing is based primarily on physical characteristics and behavior. Males are typically taller and larger than females, and have longer necks.
In addition, males can be distinguished by the protective behavior they exhibit towards their mates and their offspring. The Domestic Goose or Anser anser domesticus male will typically stand between his partner and any perceived threat.
Changes to the plumage are variable; many have been selected to lose dark brown tones of the wild bird. The result is an animal marked, or completely covered in white feathers.
Other Domestic Goose or Anser anser domesticus retain plumage close to the natural; some, such as the modern Toulouse goose look almost identical to the greylag in plumage, differing only in structure.
White Domestic Goose or Anser anser domesticus are often preferred as they look better plucked and dressed, with any small down feathers remaining being less conspicuous. From the time of the Romans, white geese have been held in great esteem.
Domestic Goose or Anser anser domesticus produce large edible eggs, weighing 4.2 to 6.0 oz. They can be used in cooking just like chicken’s eggs, though they have proportionally more yolk, and this cooks to a slightly denser consistency. The taste is much the same as that of a chicken egg, but gamier.
Domestic Goose Facts:
Conservation status: Domesticated
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Anseriformes
Family: Anatidae
Subfamily: Anserinae
Genus: Anser
Species: A. anser & A. cygnoides
Subspecies: A. a. domesticus & A. c. domesticus
Binomial name: Anser anser domesticus & Anser cygnoides domesticus