Brachyteles Arachnoides Male Skull measures 3.7 inches. Brachyteles Arachnoides Male Skull is museum quality polyurethane resin cast. Known as Woolly Spider Monkey
Brachyteles Arachnoides or Woolly Spider Monkey is the largest primate in the Americas as well as one of the most endangered in the world. It has thick, fleecy fur, which is grey or yellow-brown in color. Brachyteles arachnoides has a black face mottled with pink.
With a prehensile (grasping) tail and long fingers that they hook over branches, they swing acrobatically through the forest canopy.
Brachyteles Arachnoides or Woolly Spider Monkey spend most of their time high in the canopy and they drink water that collects in the leaves. They eat mostly leaves and fruits, although they also eat flowers, bark and buds. Diet varies throughout the year according to what is available and leaves are probably an important food source when fruit is harder to find.
They live peacefully together in troops of 5 to 25, generally having an equal number of males and females. Brachyteles Arachnoides or Woolly Spider Monkey females usually give birth to a single offspring in the dry season, between May and September. Once they reach adolescence (between the age of five and seven), young females will leave to join other groups, while males stay in the group where they were born.
Brachyteles Arachnoides or Woolly Spider Monkey live for approximately 30 years. Their biggest threats are habitat destruction, and humans hunting them for food. Their only other predators include jaguars, eagles, and snakes.
Muriquis live in the remaining patches of Atlantic coastal forest in Brazil. Once covering a vast area, the Brazilian Atlantic coastal forest has been cleared for crops, pastures and human settlement, and is now less than five per cent of its original size.
Isolated populations of Southern Woolly Spider Monkey survive in fragments of primary and secondary forests. The Northern and Southern species are completely separated from each other.
Following widespread habitat destruction and hunting, Woolly Spider Monkeys now survive only in small, isolated populations.
The Brachyteles Arachnoides or Woolly Spider Monkey is now considered Endangered, with probably around 1,300 individuals remaining, and pressures on its habitat continue to be intense.
Brachyteles arachnoides or Woolly Spider Monkey has most recently been assessed for The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species in 2019. Brachyteles arachnoides is listed as Critically Endangered under criteria A2cd.