Carpenter Finch Skull Replica or Woodpecker Finch is museum quality polyurethane cast. Carpenter Finch Skull Replica is 2-part skull (separate cranium and jaw). Made in USA. One of Darwin’s Finches
The Carpenter Finch or Woodpecker finch is a monomorphic species of bird in the Darwin’s finch group of the tanager family, Thraupidae endemic to the Galapagos Islands.
Woodpecker finches are native to the Galapagos Islands. They are commonly found on the islands of Isabela, Santa Cruz, San Cristobal, Fernandina, Santiago, and Penzón.
They occupy all areas of the islands, from the most arid zones to more humid zones.
The diet of a Carpenter Finch or woodpecker finch revolves mostly around invertebrates, but also encompasses a variety of seeds.
Their habit of pecking at branches is similar to a woodpecker’s drumming on a tree trunk. Wood-boring beetle larvae are a staple of their diet.
They also often feed on moths, caterpillars and crickets. Another significant part of their diet includes fruit and seeds, making woodpecker finches important dispersers.
The most distinctive characteristic of Carpenter Finch or Woodpecker finches is their ability to use tools for foraging. This behavior indicates that they have highly specialized cognitive abilities.
The finch manipulates the tool to dislodge invertebrate prey, such as grubs, from crevices in trees. Although their tongues are quite short, they have a relatively long bill compared to other species of Darwin’s finches.
One of the most distinguishable traits of Camarhynchus pallidus is its ability to use a twig, stick, or cactus spine as a tool. This behavior earned it the nicknames tool-using finch, and carpenter finch.
Woodpecker finches have also shown the ability to learn new behaviors regarding tool use via social learning. Not all populations of woodpecker finches use tools equally often, as this is influenced by the environment in which they live.
Camarhynchus pallidus or Woodpecker finches range in weight from 23g to 29g and are about 15 cm long. Although their tongues are quite short, they have a relatively long bill compared to other species of Darwin’s finches.
During the 2 week incubation period when females are sitting on the eggs, males linger nearby, often feeding the females. Female woodpecker finches typically lay around 2-3 eggs.
Both males and females participate in the feeding of the chicks from the day they hatch until well after they have become independent. Woodpecker finch chicks will fledge around 2 weeks after hatching.
Woodpeckers have strong bills for drilling and drumming on trees, as well as long sticky tongues for extracting food.