D. patagonum Skull Replica measures 5.1 inches. D. patagonum Skull Replica is museum quality polyurethane resin cast. California Academy of Science specimen. 2-part skull (separate cranium and jaw). Made in USA. Known as Patagonian mara.

The Patagonian mara or D. patagonum is a relatively large rodent in the mara genus Dolichotis. It is also known as the Patagonian Cavy, Patagonian Hare, or Dillaby.

This herbivorous, somewhat rabbit-like animal is found in open and semiopen habitats in Argentina, including large parts of Patagonia. It is monogamous, but often breeds in warrens shared by several pairs.

The D. patagonum resembles a jackrabbit. It has distinctive long ears and long limbs. Its hind limbs are longer and more muscular than its fore limbs and it has a longer radius than humerus. The feet are compressed, making them hoof-like. The fore feet have four digits while the hind feet have three digits.

The D. patagonum tail is short, depressed, and hairless. It has a gray dorsal pelage with a white patch on the rump separated from the dorsal fur by a black area. In addition, the mara has a white underside with a somewhat orange flank and chin.

The D. patagonum are largely herbivorous. They feed primarily on green vegetation and fruit. In the Monte Desert, monocots make up 70 percent of their diet, while dicots make up 3o percent.

Preferred grass species eaten by the D. patagonum are those of the genera Chloris, Pappophorum, and Trichloris, while dicots that are eaten include Atriplex lampa, Lycium spp., and Prosopis spp.

Maras are primarily diurnal and around 46% of their daily activities involve feeding. Their temporal activity rhythms are related to environmental factors. Light, precipitation, and temperature have positive effects on annual activities, while darkness and relative humidity have negative effects.

The D. patagonum make a number of vocalizations during grazing or slow locomotion. When seeking contact, a mara emits an inflected “wheet” while a low, repetitive grunt is made when following a conspecific.

Maras tooth chatter and emit low grunts when threatened. They also produce a series of short grunts when grooming.

The D. patagonum have a well-defined monogamous mating system, where individuals form pairs, remaining together throughout their lives.

Meanwhile, males are the ones who maintain the pair bond: they constantly guard their mates, following females wherever they go. Breeding occurs between August and January.

The gestation period lasts for 90 days, yielding 2 young per litter. Babies are born near the burrow entrance. Newborn D. patagonum are well-developed and their eyes are open. Immediately after birth, the babies are able to move into the burrow that is often shared with several other pairs and their young.
