P. Minor Skull Replica or Lesser-Flamingo measures 4.8 inches, Museum quality polyurethane cast. P. Minor Skull Replica is Made in USA, 2-part skull (separate cranium and jaw).

The P. Minor or Lesser flamingo (Phoeniconaias minor) is a species of flamingo occurring in sub-Saharan Africa and western India.

The Lesser flamingo is the smallest species of flamingo, though it is a tall and large bird by most standards.

The species can weigh from 2.6 to 6.0 lb. The standing height is around 31 to 35 in. The total length (from beak to tail) and wingspan are in the same range of measurements, from 35 to 41 in.

Most of the P. Minor or Lesser flamingo plumage is pinkish white. The clearest difference between this species and the greater flamingo, the only other Old World species of flamingo, is the much more extensive black on the bill.

Size is less helpful to distinguish the two species, unless they occur together, since the sexes of each species also differ in height.

The Lesser flamingo may be the most common species of flamingo, with a population that (at its peak) probably numbered up to two million individual birds.

P. Minor or Lesser flamingos feed primarily on Spirulina, algae which grow only in very alkaline lakes. Presence of flamingo groups near water bodies is an indication of sodic alkaline water which is not suitable for irrigation use.

Although blue-green in color, the algae contains the photosynthetic pigments that give the birds their pink color. Their deep bill is specially adapted for filtering tiny food items.

P. Minor or Lesser flamingos are prey to a variety of species, including marabou storks, vultures, baboons, African fish eagles, jackals, hyenas, foxes, Great white pelicans, Martial Eagle, and big cats.
