Saimiri Skull Replica measures 2.5 inches. Saimiri Male Skull is museum quality polyurethane resin cast. 2-part male skull (separate cranium & jaw). Made in USA. Known as Squirrel Monkey.

Black Capped Squirrel Monkeys are New World monkeys of the genus Saimiri. Saimiri is the only genus in the subfamily Saimirinae.

The Saimiri lives in the tropical forests of Central and South America in the canopy layer. The Squirrel Monkey is commonly captured for the pet trade and for medical research, but it is not threatened.

Their fur is colored black at the shoulders and yellowish orange on its back and extremities. The coat of the monkey is short, soft and dense, and the majority of the fur covering the back of the monkey is a grey to olive-brown hue, while the undersides are typically white, yellow or ochre.

The Saimiri head is characteristically black with white arches over the eyes. The tail is the same color as the body with a black tufted tip and is not prehensile; it usually measures around 350 to 425mm.

Their black-and-white face gives them the name “death’s head monkey” in several Germanic languages (e.g., German Totenkopfaffen, Swedish dödskalleapor, Dutch doodshoofdaapjes) and Slovenian (smrtoglavka).

Saimiri grow from 9.8 to 13.8 in. long, plus a 14 to 17 in. tail. Male Squirrel Monkeys weigh 26 to 39 oz. Females weigh 18 to 26 oz. Both males and females are equipped with long and hairy tails, flat nails, and pointed claws.

Saimiri are diurnal and arboreal. Unlike other New World monkeys, their tail is not used for climbing but as a kind of “balancing pole” and also as a tool. Their movements in the branches can be very rapid.

They live together in multi-male/multi-female groups with up to 500 members. These large groups, however, can occasionally break into smaller troupes.

The S. boliviensis groups have a number of vocal calls, including warning sounds to protect the group from large falcons, which are a natural threat.

Their small body size also makes them susceptible to predators such as snakes and felids.

For marking territory, S. boliviensis rub their tail and their skin with their own urine.

A Black-capped Squirrel Monkey will typically reach sexual maturation at around 3 years of age for females and 5 years of age for males.

The yearly reproductive cycle of mature Saimiri has been observed by several researchers to be affected by a number of environmental factors, including the cycles of rainfall and levels of illumination in their habitat.

The mating season coincides with the dry season, and will typically result in a single infant being born to each mother.

The gestation period of the monkey has been estimated to last between 160 and 170 days.

During the first week following its birth, an infant monkey will cling to its mother’s back and will seldom move or be attended to by the mother unless it is in some way in need of assistance.

Saimiri boliviensis are predominantly arboreal, and while they utilise all levels of the forests they have been observed to keep mostly to the lower canopies for the purposes of travel and foraging.

Saimiri are diurnal and have been observed to be most active during the early to mid-morning, before resting for one or two hours in the afternoon, followed by another period of activity from the early afternoon to evening.

The S. boliviensis is omnivores, eating primarily fruits and insects. Occasionally, they also eat seeds, leaves, flowers, buds, nuts, and eggs.

The Black-capped Squirrel Monkey population has been listed as being of ‘Least Concern’ by the IUCN, despite population numbers being in a general state of decline.

It has been determined that the black-capped squirrel monkey adapts easily to changes or potential threats to its environment, and is not subject to high levels of hunting by humans.
