Sumatran Rhino Skull Replica measures 16.5 in. Sumatran Rhinoceros Skull Replica is museum quality polyurethane resin.

The Sumatran rhino once inhabited rainforests, swamps and cloud forests in India, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and southwestern China, particularly in Sichuan.

Sumatran rhino is now critically endangered, with only five substantial populations in the wild: four in Sumatra and one in Borneo, with an estimated total population of fewer than 80 mature individuals.

The species was extirpated in Malaysia in 2019, and one of the Sumatran populations may already be extinct.

In 2015, researchers announced that the Bornean rhinoceros had become extinct in the northern part of Borneo in Sabah, Malaysia.
A tiny population of Sumatran rhinos was discovered in East Kalimantan in early 2016.

The Sumatran rhino species is much better studied than the similarly reclusive Javan rhinoceros, in part because of a program that brought 40 Sumatran rhinos into captivity with the goal of preserving the species.

There was little or no information about procedures that would assist in ex situ breeding of the Sumatran rhino. Though a number of rhinos died once at the various destinations and no offspring were produced for nearly 20 years, the rhinos were all doomed in their soon-to-be-logged forest.

In March 2016, a Sumatran rhinoceros (of the Bornean rhinoceros subspecies) was spotted in Indonesian Borneo.

The Indonesian ministry of Environment, began an official counting of the Sumatran rhino in February 2019, planned to be completed in three years.
Malaysia’s last known bull and cow Sumatran rhinos died in May and November 2019, respectively.

The Sumatran rhino species is now considered to be locally extinct in that country, and only survives in Indonesia. There are fewer than 80 Sumatran rhino left in existence.
