X. pygmaeus Skull measures 2.0 inches. X. pygmaeus Skull is museum quality polyurethane resin. Known as Pygmy Slow Loris

Typical facial features include the overall rufous color, brown rings encircling large eyes, a white stripe from the nose to the forehead, and silvery gray hair at the sides of the head.

The X. pygmaeus or Pygmy slow loris mates once every 12–18 months and has one or two offspring after an average gestation period of six months.

For the first few days, the young loris clings to the belly of its mother. The offspring will be nursed for an average of 4.5 months, but weaning can sometimes take up to 8 months.

The X. pygmaeus or Pygmy slow loris is a species of slow loris found east of the Mekong River in Vietnam, Laos, eastern Cambodia, and China. It occurs in a variety of forest habitats, including tropical dry forests, semi-evergreen, and evergreen forests.

The X. pygmaeus or Pygmy slow loris is nocturnal and arboreal, crawling along branches using slow movements in search of prey. Unlike other primates, it does not leap.

It lives together in small groups usually with one or two offspring. An adult can grow to around 7.5 to 9.1 in. long and has a very short tail. It weighs about 1.0 lb.

The X. pygmaeus or Pygmy slow diet consists of fruits, insects, small fauna, tree sap, and floral nectar. The animal has a toxic bite, which it gets by licking a toxic secretion from glands on the inside of its elbows.

The habitat of the X. pygmaeus or Pygmy slow loris in Vietnam was greatly reduced due to extensive burning, clearing, and defoliating of forests during the Vietnam War.

Extensive hunting for traditional medicines is currently putting severe pressure on Cambodian populations. The pygmy slow loris is seriously threatened by hunting, trade, and habitat destruction.

The X. pygmaeus or Pygmy slow loris has declined in numbers as a result of extensive habitat degradation throughout its range, including north-eastern Cambodia, the Yunnan Province of China, and Vietnam.

In Yunnan province, nearly all primary evergreen forests have vanished and secondary forests have been heavily degraded.

As of 2003, the forest cover had been reduced to 30% of its original area, with only 10% of the remaining forest consisting of the closed-canopy forests preferred by the pygmy slow loris.

As of 2005, forest cover has been reduced by 42% since the mid-1990s. The use of defoliants, such as Agent Orange, during the Vietnam War and the ongoing clearing of forests in Vietnam have resulted in a considerable loss of habitat.

The X. pygmaeus or Pygmy slow loris is listed in Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), and in 2020 the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) classified it as endangered.
