Spotted Seal Baculum Replica


Spotted Seals sexual maturity is attained around the age of four. January to mid-April is the breeding season. Pup births peak in mid-March. During breeding season, they form families made up of a male, female, and their pup, born after a 10-month gestation period.


Spotted Seal Baculum Replica measures 5.4 inches. Spotted Seal Baculum replica is museum quality polyurethane cast. Made in USA. Our precise baculum can be used as a teaching tool, museum baculum exhibit, home décor baculum, or office décor baculum.

Spotted seals or Phoca largha also called Largha seals, are named for their spotted pelts. The head of a Spotted seal or Phoca largha is round, with a narrow snout resembling that of a dog. The dense fur varies in color from silver to gray and white and is characterized by dark, irregular spots covering the entire body.

Spotted seals or Phoca largha feeds on various schooling fishes, krill, herring, arctic cod, pollock, and capelin. The spotted seal or Phoca largha is gregarious, sometimes herding together in groups numbering into the thousands.

It inhabits ice floes and waters of the north Pacific Ocean and adjacent seas. It is primarily found along the continental shelf of the Beaufort, Chukchi, Bering and Okhotsk Seas and south to the northern Yellow Sea and it migrates south as far as northern Huanghai and the western Sea of Japan.

Spotted seals or Phoca largha are also found in Alaska from the southeastern Bristol Bay to Demarcation Point during the ice-free seasons of summer and autumn when spotted seals mate and have pups.

Spotted seals or Phoca largha are relatively shy and are difficult for humans to approach. They can be solitary in general but are gregarious and form large groups during pupping and molting seasons when they haul out on ice floes or, lacking ice, on land. The numerically largest groups in Alaska are at Kasegaluk Lagoon in the Chukchi Sea, near Cape Espenburg in Kotzebue Sound, and in Kuskokwim Bay on sandbars and shoals, where several thousand may collect.

Sexual maturity is attained around the age of four. January to mid-April is the breeding season. Pup births peak in mid-March. Spotted seals or Phoca largha are believed annually monogamous, and during breeding season, they form families made up of a male, female, and their pup, born after a 10-month gestation period. Average birth size is 3 feet and 26 lbs. Pups are weaned six weeks later. The maximum lifespan of the spotted seal or Phoca largha is 35 years with few living beyond 25.

Spotted seals or Phoca largha dive to depths up to 1,000 feet while feeding on a variety of ocean prey. Juveniles eat primarily krill and small crustaceans while adults eat a variety of fish including herring, arctic cod, pollock, and capelin.

They do not seem to vocalize a lot, although not much is known about their vocalizations. They appear to vocalize more while in molting groups. When approached in these groups, or Phoca largha make various sounds such as growls, barks, moans, and roars.

Spotted Seal Facts:

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Clade: Pinnipedia
Scientific name: phoca-largha
Family: Phocidae
Genus: Phoca
Species: P. largha
Binomial name: Phoca largha
Conservation status: Least concern – A least concern species is a species that has been categorized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature as evaluated as not being a focus of species conservation. They do not qualify as threatened, near threatened, or (before 2001) conservation dependent.

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Additional information

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 5.4 in