Bull Shark Requiem Jaw


The Bull Shark, also known as the Bull Whaler or the Zambezi River shark, is common worldwide in warm shallow waters along coasts. This species is not a true freshwater shark, but has a tolerance for fresh water and can travel far up rivers.


Bull Shark Requiem Jaw Replica measures 14 x 19 inches. Bull Shark Requiem Jaw is museum quality polyurethane cast. Made in USA. Our precise jaw can be used as a teaching tool, museum shark jaw exhibit, home décor shark jaw, or office décor jaw.

The Bull shark or Carcharhinus leucas, also known as the Bull whaler, Zambezi shark or informally Zambi in Africa and Nicaragua shark in Nicaragua. In Africa, it is also commonly called the Zambezi River shark, or just “zambi”.

Its wide range and diverse habitats result in many other local names, including Ganges River shark, Fitzroy Creek whaler, Van Rooyen’s shark, Lake Nicaragua shark, River shark, Freshwater whaler, Estuary whaler, Swan River whaler, Cub shark, and shovel-nose shark.

It is common worldwide in warm, shallow waters along coasts and in rivers. The Bull shark is well known for its unpredictable, often aggressive behavior.

Many scientists agree that since Bull sharks or Carcharhinus leucas often dwell in shallow waters, they may be more dangerous to humans than any other species of sharks. Unlike most other marine sharks, bull sharks tolerate fresh water.

They can travel far up rivers. As a result, they are probably responsible for the majority of shark attacks on humans that take place near the shore, including many attacks attributed to other species. However, Bull sharks or Carcharhinus leucas are not true freshwater sharks.

The name Bull shark or Carcharhinus leucas comes from the shark’s stocky shape, broad, flat snout, and aggressive, unpredictable behavior. In India, the Bull shark may be confused with the Sundarbans or Ganges shark.

Bull sharks or Carcharhinus leucas are large and stout, with females being larger than males. The bull shark can be up to 2.66 feet in length at birth. Adult female bull sharks average 7.9 feet long and typically weigh 290 lb., whereas the slightly smaller adult male averages 7.4 feet and 209 lb.

While a maximum size of 11 feet is commonly reported, a single record exists of a female specimen of exactly 13.1 feet. Bull sharks or Carcharhinus leucas are wider and heavier than other requiem sharks of comparable length, and are grey on top and white below.

The second dorsal fin is smaller than the first. The Bull shark’s caudal fin is longer and lower than that of the larger sharks, and it has a small snout, and lacks an inter-dorsal ridge.

Bull Shark Facts:
Conservation status: Near Threatened
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Chondrichthyes
Order: Carcharhiniformes
Family: Carcharhinidae
Genus: Carcharhinus
Species: C. leucas
Binomial name: Carcharhinus leucas

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Additional information

Weight 8 lbs
Dimensions 14 × 19 × 4 in