Domestic Merino Ram Skull


Male Merino Rams can be distinguished from females, or ewes, by their massive horns. When establishing territory and dominance, rams will battle with a series of ramming “head-butts.”


Domestic Merino Ram Skull Replica is 11.8 In. Horn length is 38 inches. Domestic Merino Ram Skull is museum quality polyurethane cast. Made in USA. Ovis aries – private collection. 2-part skull (separate cranium and jaw). Our precise skull can be used as a teaching tool, museum skull exhibit, home décor skull, or office décor skull.

Male Domestic Sheep, called Rams. The Domestic Merino ram or Ovis aries is an economically influential breed of sheep prized for its wool. The breed originated in Spain, but the modern Domestic Merino ram was domesticated in New Zealand and Australia. Today, Merino rams and sheep are still regarded as having some of the finest and softest wool of any sheep.

Domestic Merino Ram or Ovis aries is an excellent forager and very adaptable. It is bred predominantly for its wool, and its carcass size is generally smaller than that of sheep bred for meat.

The Domestic Merino ram or Ovis aries has been domesticated and bred in ways that would not allow them to survive well without regular shearing by their owners. They must be shorn at least once a year because their wool does not stop growing. If this is neglected, the overabundance of wool can cause heat stress, mobility issues, and even blindness.

The term Domestic Merino ram or Ovis aries is widely used in the textile industries, but it cannot be taken to mean the fabric in question is actually 100 percent merino wool from a Merino ram or sheep strain bred specifically for its wool.

The wool of any Merino ram or sheep, whether reared in Spain or elsewhere, is known as “merino wool”. However, not all Domestic Merino ram or Ovis aries produce wool suitable for clothing, and especially for clothing worn next to the skin or as a second skin. This depends on the particular strain of the breed. Merino ram or sheep that are bred for meat do not produce a fleece with a fine enough wool.

Spain became noted for its fine wool (spinning count between 60s and 64s) and built up a fine wool monopoly between the 12th and 16th centuries, with wool commerce to Flanders and England being a source of income for Castile in the Late Middle Ages.


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Additional information

Weight 24 lbs
Dimensions 38 in