Hadrosaur Dinosaur Tibia Skin


Skin impressions of multiple hadrosaurs have been found. From these impressions, the hadrosaurs were determined to be scaled, and not feathered like some dinosaurs of other groups.


Hadrosaur Dinosaur Tibia Skin Replica measures 6×4 inches. Hadrosaur Dinosaur Tibia Skin is museum quality polyurethane resin cast. Made in USA. Our precise skin can be used as a teaching tool, museum skin exhibit, home décor skin, or office décor skin. Hadrosaurus foulkii. Dinosaur skin fossil. Attached to upper end of the Tibia.

Hadrosaurids, or duck-billed dinosaurs, are members of the ornithischian family Hadrosauridae. This group is known as the duck-billed dinosaurs for the flat duck-bill appearance of the bones in their snouts.

Skin impressions of multiple hadrosaurs or Hadrosaurus foulkii  have been found. From these impressions, the hadrosaurs were determined to be scaled, and not feathered like some dinosaurs of other groups.

The most recognizable aspect of hadrosaur or Hadrosaurus foulkii anatomy is the flattened and laterally stretched rostral bones, which gives the distinct duck-bill look, and some members of the hadrosaurs also had massive crests on their heads, probably for display.

Hadrosaurs or Hadrosaurus foulkii, much like sauropods, are noted for having their manus united in a fleshy, often nail-less pad.

1838, John Estaugh Hopkins was digging in a marl pit (on a small tributary of the Cooper River in Haddonfield, New Jersey, and part of the Campanian-age Woodbury Formation) when he uncovered large bones, putting them on display at his home, also in Haddonfield.

In 1858, these bones sparked the interest of a visitor, William Parker Foulke. The skeleton was dug out from the marl pit in 1858 by Foulke.

The excavation site, known as the Hadrosaurus foulkii Leidy site, is now a National Historic Landmark. Foulke contacted paleontologist Joseph Leidy, and together they recovered 8 teeth from the maxillar and dentary areas, dental battery fragments, left maxilla fragments, 3 partial dorsal vertebrae, 13 caudal centra including an almost complete middle caudal vertebra and other fragments.

A partial right coracoid, left humerus, left radius, left ulna, left ilium, right ischium, right partial pubis, the left hindlimb composed by the femur, tibia, fibula with metatarsals II and IV and the first pedal phalanx from the third digit. Foulke and Leidy studied the fossils together, and in 1858, Leidy formally described and named Hadrosaurus foulkii in honor of his collaborator.

Hadrosaur Facts:

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Clade: Dinosauria
Order: †Ornithischia
Suborder: †Ornithopoda
Clade: †Hadrosauromorpha
Family: †Hadrosauridae
Type species: †Hadrosaurus foulkii
Conservation Status: Extinct

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Additional information

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 4 in
National Dinosaur Day - June 1st

National Dinosaur Day is celebrated on June 1st every year. It's a day to learn about dinosaurs, including what they looked like, what they ate, and how they became extinct.