Miocene Leatherback Turtle Skull


Psephophorus is an extinct genus of Sea Turtle that lived from the Oligocene to the Pliocene. Its remains have been found in Europe, Africa, North America, and New Zealand.

SKU: S305-S305M Tag:


Miocene Leatherback Turtle Skull Replica measures 14.5 inches. Miocene Leatherback Turtle Skull is museum quality polyurethane cast. Made in the USA. 2-part skull (separate cranium and jaw).

Fossil skull from Sharktooth Hill California. Bob Ernst – Private Collection. Our precise skull can be used as a teaching tool, museum skull exhibit, home décor skull, or office décor skull.

Miocene Leatherback turtle or Demochelys coriacea are named for their shell, which is leather-like rather than hard, like other turtles. They are the largest sea turtle species and also one of the most migratory, crossing both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

The Miocene Leatherback turtle or Dermochelys coriacea is the largest of living turtles. They have a secondary palate, formed by vomer and palatine bones. The leatherback does not have a visible shell.

The shell is present but it consists of bones that are buried into its dark brown or black skin. It has seven pronounced ridges in its back and five on the underside.

Miocene Leatherback turtle or Dermochelys coriacea lay their eggs in the sand of tropical beaches. It is the only time they emerge onto land. Leatherback hatchlings look mostly black when looking down on them, and their flippers are margined in white. Rows of white scales give hatchling leatherbacks the white striping that runs down the length of their backs.

Miocene Leatherback turtle or Dermochelys coriacea are carnivores that feed in the open ocean. Their main prey are gelatinous invertebrates, mainly jellyfish and salps. They are known to eat other kinds of food though, including small crustaceans and fish, cephalopods, sea urchins, and snails.

Moicene Leatherback turtle or Dermochelys coriacea can be found primarily in the open ocean. Leatherbacks follow their jellyfish prey throughout the day, resulting in turtles “preferring” deeper water in the daytime, and shallower water at night (when the jellyfish rise up the water column). This hunting strategy often places Dermochelys turtles in very frigid waters.

Moicene Leatherback Turtle Facts:

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Order: Testudines
Suborder: Cryptodira
Superfamily: Chelonioidea
Family: Dermochelyidae
Subfamily: Dermochelyinae
Genus: Dermochelys
Species: D. coriacea
Binomial name: Dermochelys coriacea
Conservation status: Vulnerable

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Additional information

Weight 16 lbs
Dimensions 14.5 in
World Sea Turtle Day - June 16th

World Sea Turtle Day, June 16th, is a celebrated to honor and highlight the importance of sea turtles. These creatures are magnificent in their own way. Not only are sea turtles beautiful animals, but they also show incredible perseverance and resiliency – after all, they have been nesting on beaches for millions of years. So of course they deserve their own day dedicated to their awesomeness!

World Sea Turtle Day would not be rightfully celebrated without mentioning, Dr. Archie Carr, Sea Turtle Conservancy’s founder and “father of sea turtle biology.” World Sea Turtle Day is celebrated the same day as Dr. Carr’s birthday, June 16th. Dr. Carr will forever be remembered for the enhancement of the sea turtle conservation movement and the legacy he has left behind.