Pink Fairy Armadillo Skull


The Pink Fairy Armadillo is the smallest species of armadillo measuring approximately 3.5 – 4.5 in. long excluding the tail. It has the ability to bury itself in seconds if frightened. It feeds primarily on ants, snails, worms, insects and larvae, and sometimes various plant materials.


Pink Fairy Armadillo Skull Replica measures 3.6 in. Pink Fairy Armadillo Skull is museum quality polyurethane cast. 2-part skull (separate cranium and jaw). Made in USA. Our precise skull can be used as a teaching tool, museum armadillo skull exhibit, home décor skull, or office décor skull.

Pink Fairy Armadillo or Chlamyphorus truncatus is the smallest species of armadillo, mammals of the family Dasypodidae, mostly known for having a bony armor shell. It is approximately 3.5 to 4.5 inches long excluding the tail, and is pale rose or pink in color.

Pink Fairy Armadillo or Chlamyphorus truncatus is found in central Argentina where it inhabits dry grasslands and sandy plains with thorn bushes and cacti. They have the ability to bury itself completely in a matter of seconds if frightened.

Pink Fairy Armadillo or Chlamyphorus truncatus is classified as a fossorial generalist insectivore. The main source of its food consists of ants and larvae it finds underground. While those are its primary sources of food, Pink Fairy Armadillo or Chlamyphorus truncatus are known to eat worms, snails, and various insects. If these insects and invertebrates can’t be found plant leaves and roots make a good secondary dietary option for their underground lifestyle.

Pink Fairy Armadillo or Chlamyphorus truncatus has fine hair on their underside that has been found to be beneficial for thermoregulation in an environment with highly variable temperatures.

Night temperatures in Argentinian plains can get very low, and since the pink fairy armadillo or Chlamyphorus truncatus is nocturnal it needs the fur to conserve heat while it is out hunting for food.

Pink Fairy Armadillo or Chlamyphorus truncatus shell is soft and more flexible. Though the shell is close enough to the body for these blood vessels to be seen through the armor, this protective part of the animal is only attached via a thin membrane along the spinal column of the animal.

The Pink Fairy Armadillo or Chlamyphorus truncatus can curl up to protect the vulnerable soft underside, covered with dense white hair.

Their armored shell consists of 24 bands that allow the animal to curl up in a ball, and the armor is flattened in the posterior portion of the animal so that it can compress dirt behind it as it is digging.

Pink Fairy Armadillo Facts:

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Cingulata
Family: Chlamyphoridae
Subfamily: Chlamyphorinae
Genus: Chlamyphorus
Species: C. truncatus
Binomial name: Chlamyphorus truncatus
Conservation status: Near Threatened

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Additional information

Weight 12 lbs
Dimensions 3.6 in