Plains Pocket Gopher Skull


The Plains Pocket Gopher is one of 35 species of pocket gophers, so named in reference to their externally located, fur-lined cheek pouches. They are burrowing animals, found in grasslands and agricultural land across North America.


Plains Pocket Gopher Skull Replica measures 2.0 inches or 50mm. Plains Pocket Gopher Skull is museum quality polyurethane cast. Made in USA. Our precise skull can be used as a teaching tool, museum skull exhibit, home décor skull, or office décor skull.

The plains pocket gopher or Geomys bursarius is one of 35 species of pocket gophers, so named in reference to their externally located, fur-lined cheek pouches. They are burrowing animals, found in grasslands and agricultural land across the Great Plains of North America, from Manitoba to Texas. Pocket gophers are the most highly fossorial rodents found in North America.

The plains pocket gopher or Geomys bursarius has short fur with brown to black coloration over the upper body and lighter brown or tan fur on the underparts. Whitish hairs cover the tops of the feet, while the short, tapered tail is nearly naked.

Fossorial adaptations include small eyes, short, naked ears, and large fore feet with heavy claws. Zygomatic arches are widely flared, providing ample room for muscle attachment, although, unlike other pocket gophers this species does not use the curved incisors to assist the feet in digging.

The external cheek pouches, which distinguish this family from other mammals, can be turned inside-out for grooming purposes. They are used for carrying food up to 2.8 in. in length and have a forward opening.

The plains pocket gopher or Geomys bursarius spend 72 percent of their time in their nests, coming above ground to search for food or mates, and for young animals to establish new burrows.

The plains pocket gopher or Geomys bursarius are territorial and aggressive, especially in male to male interaction, these rodents appear to use their greatly increased sensitivity to soil vibration to maintain their solitary lifestyle.

Plains Pocket Gopher Facts:

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Rodentia
Family: Geomyidae
Genus: Geomys
Species: G. bursarius
Binomial name: Geomys bursarius
Conservation status: Least concern

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Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 2.0 in