Subantarctic Fur Seal Female Skull


The Subantarctic Fur Seal, as its name suggests, is native to the Antarctic subcontinent, although breeding colonies can be found in the south Pacific and Indian oceans.


Subantarctic Fur Seal Female Skull Replica Measures 6.9 inches or 18cm. The Subantarctic Fur Seal Female Skull is museum quality polyurethane cast. Made in USA. 2-part skull (separate cranium and jaw). UC Santa Cruz specimen cast of original specimen. Our precise skull can be used as a teaching tool, museum skull exhibit, home décor skull, or office décor skull.

The Subantarctic Fur Seal or Arctocephalus tropicalis is found in the southern parts of the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic Oceans. The Subantarctic fur seal is medium in size compared with other fur seals.

Both sexes have distinctive, creamy-orange chests and faces. Their bellies are more brownish. Males have a dark grey to black back. The females are lighter grey. Pups are black at birth, but molt at about 3 months old. The snout is short and flat. The flippers are short and broad.

Subantarctic fur seal or Arctocephalus tropicalis live for about 20–25 years. Subantarctic fur seals hunt in shallow waters at night, when small fish come close to the surface. They also feed on squid.

Subantarctic fur seal or Arctocephalus tropicalis are geographically widespread. As their name implies, they generally breed in more northerly locations than the Antarctic fur seals. The largest breeding colonies are on Gough Island in the South Atlantic and Île Amsterdam in the southern part of the Indian Ocean.

Breeding grounds are also found at Marion Island in the Prince Edward Islands (where an overlap with Antarctic fur seals occurs), the Crozet Islands, and Macquarie Island. Where grounds overlap, the Subantarctic fur seal or Arctocephalus tropicalis species can be identified by the orange color on the chest.

About 300,000 of the species alive today, probably substantially down from when they were first discovered in 1810, as they were hunted for their pelts throughout the 19th century. Populations are recovering rapidly, though, in most areas whilst under the protection of the Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Seals.

Subantarctic Fur Seal Facts:

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Clade: Pinnipedia
Family: Otariidae
Genus: Arctocephalus
Species: A. tropicalis
Binomial name: Arctocephalus tropicalis
Conservation status: Least concern

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Additional information

Weight 6 lbs
Dimensions 6.9 in
International Seal Day - March 22nd

Every year on March 22nd, the International Day of the Seal promotes the conservation of seals worldwide. It’s also a day to celebrate this amazing marine mammal.

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