Turtle Front Claw Replica


Front claw fluttering behavior isn’t exclusive to seasoned adult male turtles. Youthful turtles or Chelonia mydas will occasionally shake their claws around as wooing behaviors. Until turtles are mature, claw fluttering is merely a spectacle.

SKU: CL323 Tag:


Turtle Front Claw Replica measures .9 inches. The Turtle Front Claw Replica is museum quality polyurethane cast. Made in the USA. Our precise claw can be used as a teaching tool, museum claw exhibit, home décor claw, or office décor claw.

Turtles or Chelonia mydas are reptiles of the order Testudines characterized by a special bony or cartilaginous shell developed from their ribs and acting as a shield. “Turtle” may refer to the order as a whole or to fresh-water and sea-dwelling testudines. The order Testudines includes both extant and extinct species.

Male turtles or chelonia mydas occasionally flutter their front claws in front of other males. Males shake their front claws in front of other males as an expression of higher social status. When they do this, it’s often a precursor to physical aggression. Battles between turtles may result in painful bites due to their sharp beaks.

When male turtles or chelonia mydas attempt to woo females for mating, they approach them underwater prior to lightly shaking their claws around them. They do this shaking close to their potential mates’ faces.

When female turtles or chelonia mydas witness this and are open to the advances, they respond by dropping to the floors of their aquatic environments. Once they do this, they’re on the verge of mating and fertilization.

When female turtles don’t appreciate all of the wooing and the arm fluttering, they often respond fiercely.

Front claw fluttering behavior isn’t exclusive to seasoned adult male turtles. Youthful turtles or Chelonia mydas will occasionally shake their claws around as wooing behaviors. Until turtles are mature, claw fluttering is merely a spectacle.

While some types of male turtles or chelonia mydas flutter their front claws as a means of drawing in females, others have a slightly different technique. Some of them employ their claws to caress the females’ faces, rather than to just fluttering them by their heads.

This caressing action is heightened by the males’ claws, which are often notably lengthy. Female turtles have significantly shorter claws than the males.

Turtle Facts:

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Clade: Testudinata
Order: Testudines
Scientific name: chelonia mydas

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Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions .9 in
World Turtle Day - May 23rd

World Turtle Day is an annual observance held every May 23rd. It began in 2000 and is sponsored by American Tortoise Rescue. The day was created as a yearly observance to help people celebrate and protect turtles and tortoises and their disappearing habitats, as well as to encourage human action to help them survive and thrive.