Woodchuck Skull Replica


The Groundhog (Marmota monax), also known as the Woodchuck, is a rodent of the family Sciuridae, belonging to the group of large ground squirrels known as marmots. The groundhog is a lowland creature of North America.


Woodchuck Skull Replica measures 3.5 inches. Woodchuck Skull Replica is museum quality polyurethane cast. Made in the USA. Our precise skull can be used as a teaching tool, museum skull exhibit, home décor skull, or office décor skull.

The Woodchuck or Marmota monax, also known as a groundhog, is a rodent of the family Sciuridae, belonging to the group of large ground squirrels known as marmots.

It was first scientifically described by Carl Linnaeus in 1758. The groundhog is also referred to as a chuck, wood-shock, groundpig, whistlepig, whistler, thickwood badger, Canada marmot, monax, moonack, weenusk, red monk and, among French Canadians in eastern Canada, siffleux.

The Woodchuck or Marmota monax is the largest sciurid in its geographical range. Adults measure from 16.5 to 27.0 in. in total length including a tail of 3.7 to 7.4 in. Weights of adult Woodchucks fall between 4.4 and 13.9 lb.

Male Woodchucks average slightly larger than females and they are considerably heavier during autumn than when emerging from hibernation in spring. Seasonal weight changes indicate circannual deposition and use of fat. Groundhogs attain progressively higher weights each year for the first two or three years, after which weight plateaus.

Woodchucks or Marmota monax have four incisor teeth which grow ​1⁄16 inch per week. Constant usage wears them down again by about that much each week. The incisors of Woodchucks are white to ivory-white. Woodchucks are well-adapted for digging, with short, powerful limbs and curved, thick claws.

The Woodchuck or Marmota monax prefers open country and the edges of woodland, and is rarely far from a burrow entrance. Woodchucks have a wide geographic range. It is typically found in low-elevation forests, small woodlots, fields, pastures and hedgerows.

Mostly herbivorous, Woodchuck or Marmota monax eat primarily wild grasses and other vegetation, including berries and agricultural crops. In early spring, dandelion and coltsfoot are also consumed.

Some additional foods are sheep sorrel, timothy-grass, buttercup, tearthumb, agrimony, red and black raspberries, mulberries, buckwheat, plantain, wild lettuce, all varieties of clover, and alfalfa.

Woodchuck Facts:

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Rodentia
Family: Sciuridae
Genus: Marmota
Species: M. monax
Binomial name: Marmota monax
Conservation status: Least concern – A least concern species is a species that has been categorized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature as evaluated as not being a focus of species conservation.

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Additional information

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 3.5 in
Groundhog Day - February 2nd

Groundhog Day, celebrated on February 2nd in the United States and Canada, is a day to observe the behavior of a groundhog (also known as a woodchuck) to predict the weather for the next six weeks.