Eastern Grey Kangaroo Disarticulated Skeleton


The Eastern Grey Kangaroo (Macropus giganteus) is a marsupial found in the eastern third of Australia, with a population of several million. It is also known as the Great Grey Kangaroo and the Forester Kangaroo.


Eastern Grey Kangaroo Disarticulated Skeleton Replica measures 6 feet. Eastern Grey Kangaroo Disarticulated Skeleton is museum quality polyurethane resin cast. Made in USA. Our precise skeleton can be used as a teaching tool, museum skeleton exhibit, home décor skeleton or office décor skeleton.

The Eastern Grey kangaroo, Great Grey Kangaroo, Forester Kangaroo or Macropus giganteus is a marsupial found in the eastern third of Australia, with a population of several million. It is also known as the great grey kangaroo and the forester kangaroo.

Although a big eastern grey male typically weighs around 146 lbs. and stands almost 6 ft. 7 ins. tall, the scientific name, Macropus giganteus (gigantic large-foot), is misleading: the red kangaroo of the semi-arid inland is larger, weighing up to 90 kg (200 lb.).

The Eastern grey kangaroo or Macropus giganteus is the second largest and heaviest living marsupial and native land mammal in Australia. An adult male will commonly weigh around 110 to 146 lbs. whereas females commonly weigh around 37 to 88 lbs. They have a powerful tail that is over 1 m long in adult males.

The Eastern grey kangaroo or Macropus giganteus is easy to recognize: its soft grey coat is distinctive, and it is usually found in moister, more fertile areas than the red. The eastern grey’s coloration is a light-colored grey or brownish-grey, with a lighter silver or cream, sometimes nearly white, belly.

The Eastern grey kangaroo or Macropus giganteus prefers open grassland with areas of bush for daytime shelter and mainly inhabits the wetter parts of Australia. It also inhabits coastal areas, woodlands, sub-tropical forests, mountain forests, and inland scrubs.

The Eastern grey kangaroo or Macropus giganteus is mainly nocturnal and crepuscular, and is mostly seen early in the morning, or as the light starts to fade in the evening.

In the middle of the day, kangaroos rest in the cover of the woodlands and eat there but then come out in the open to feed on the grasslands in large numbers. The eastern grey kangaroo is predominantly a grazer, eating a wide variety of grasses.

Eastern Grey Kangaroo Facts:

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Infraclass: Marsupialia
Order: Diprotodontia
Family: Macropodidae
Genus: Macropus
Species: M. giganteus
Binomial name: Macropus giganteus
Conservation status: Least concern

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Additional information

Weight 20 lbs
Dimensions 72 in
National Kangaroo Awarness Day - Oct. 24th

National Kangaroo Awareness Day is observed every year on October 24th. On this day, awareness about this marsupial’s plight, which is hunted in disturbingly huge numbers across Australia, and its offspring are created. People are encouraged to honor this beautiful creature by protecting and saving as many kangaroos and their young as possible.