M. giganteus Skeleton Replica or Eastern Grey Kangaroo Skeleton measures 6 feet. Kangaroo Skeleton is museum quality polyurethane resin cast. Made in USA.
M. giganteus Skeleton Replica or Eastern Grey Kangaroo Skeleton measures 6 feet. Great Grey Kangaroo Skeleton is museum quality polyurethane resin cast. Made in USA.
The Eastern Grey Kangaroo (Macropus giganteus) is a marsupial found in the eastern third of Australia, with a population of several million. It is also known as the Forester kangaroo.
The M. giganteus or Eastern Grey Kangaroo is the second largest and heaviest living marsupial and native land mammal in Australia.
An adult male will commonly weigh around 110 to 146 lb. whereas females weigh around 37 to 88 lb. They have a powerful tail that is over 3 ft 3 in. long in adult males.
Eastern Grey Kangaroos are gregarious and form open-membership groups. The groups contain an average of three individuals.
Smaller groups join to graze in preferred foraging areas, and to rest in large groups around the middle of the day.
They exist in a dominance hierarchy and the dominant individuals gain access to better sources of food and areas of shade. However, kangaroos are not territorial.
Being a social species, M. giganteus or Eastern Kangaroos usually live in mobs or small groups, which include one dominant male, 2-3 females and their young, and 2-3 young males.
They spend most of the day in the shade, moving out at dusk, and feeding until dawn. The adults communicate with their young and with each other using clucking noises.
When M. giganteus or Eastern Kangaroo are alarmed, they can make a guttural cough, also used when males are warning each other, fighting, or displaying dominance.
They stamp on the ground with their hind legs when they sense danger, which, as well as the guttural noise, issues an alarm sound that can be heard from a great distance.