D. Sumatrensis Skull Replica measures 16.5 inches. D. Sumatrensis Skull Replica is museum quality polyurethane resin.
The Sumatran rhinoceros or D. Sumatrensis is the smallest rhinoceros, it stands 3.67–4.76 ft. high at the shoulder, with a head-and-body length of 7.7 to 10.4 ft. and a tail of 14 to 28 in.
The Sumatran rhinoceros or D. Sumatrensis is the most vocal of the rhinoceros species.
Observations of the species in zoos show the animal almost constantly vocalizing, and it is known to do so in the wild, as well.
The rhino makes three distinct noises: eeps, whales, and whistle-blows. The eep, a short, one-second-long yelp, is the most common sound. The whale, named for its similarity to vocalizations of the humpback whale, is the most song-like vocalization and the second-most common. The whale varies in pitch and lasts from four to seven seconds.
The whistle-blow is named because it consists of a two-second-long whistling noise and a burst of air in immediate succession. The whistle-blow is the loudest of the vocalizations, loud enough to make the iron bars in the zoo enclosure where the rhinos were studied vibrate.
The purpose of the Sumatran rhinoceros or D. Sumatrensis vocalizations is unknown, though they are theorized to convey danger, sexual readiness, and location, as do other ungulate vocalizations. The whistle-blow could be heard at a great distance, even in the dense brush in which the Sumatran rhino lives.
A vocalization of similar volume from elephants has been shown to carry 6.1 miles and the whistle-blow may carry as far.
The Sumatran rhinoceros will sometimes twist the saplings they do not eat. This twisting behavior is believed to be used as a form of communication, frequently indicating a junction in a trail.