Pelecanus occidentalis Skull Replica or Brown Pelican Skull Replica measures 16.6 inches. Brown Pelican Skull Replica is museum quality polyurethane cast. 2-part skull (separate cranium & jaw). Made in USA. Cast of Original California Academy of Sciences specimen.
The Pelecanus occidentalis or Brown pelican is a bird of the pelican family, Pelecanidae, one of three species found in the Americas and one of two that feed by diving into water.
The Pelecanus occidentalis or Brown pelican is the smallest of the eight extant pelican species, but is often one of the larger seabirds in their range nonetheless. It measures 3 ft 3 in to 5 ft. in length and has a wingspan of 6 ft 8 in to 7 ft 6 in.
The weight of adults can range from 4.4 to 11.0 lb., about half the weight of the other pelicans found in the Americas, the Peruvian and American white pelicans.
The average weight in Florida of 47 females was 7.0 lb., while that of 56 males was 8.2 lb. Like all pelicans, it has a very long bill, measuring 11.0 to 13.7 in. in length.
The Pelecanus occidentalis or Brown pelican is readily distinguished from the American white pelican by its nonwhite plumage, smaller size, and habit of diving for fish from the air, as opposed to co-operative fishing from the surface.
The Brown pelican produces a wide variety of harsh, grunting sounds, such as a low-pitched hrrraa-hrra, during displays. The adult also rarely emits a low croak, while young frequently squeal.
Pelecanus occidentalis or the Brown pelican is found on the Atlantic Coast from New Jersey to the mouth of the Amazon River, and along the Pacific Coast from British Columbia to northern Chile, including the Galapagos Islands.
Its breeding plumage has a white head with a yellowish wash on the crown. The nape and neck are dark maroon–brown. The upper sides of the neck have white lines along the base of the gular pouch, and the lower fore neck has a pale yellowish patch.
The male and female Pelecanus occidentalis or Brown pelican are similar, but the female is slightly smaller. The nonbreeding adult has a white head and neck.
The pink skin around the eyes becomes dull and gray in the nonbreeding season. It lacks any red hue, and the pouch is strongly olivaceous ochre-tinged and the legs are olivaceous gray to blackish-gray.
The Brown pelican mainly feeds on fish, but occasionally eats amphibians, crustaceans, and the eggs and nestlings of birds.
It nests in colonies in secluded areas, often on islands, vegetated land among sand dunes, thickets of shrubs and trees, and mangroves.
Females lay two or three oval, chalky white eggs. Incubation takes 28 to 30 days with both sexes sharing duties.
The newly hatched Pelecanus occidentalis or Brown pelican chicks are pink, turning gray or black within 4 to 14 days.
About 63 days are needed for chicks to fledge. Six to 9 weeks after hatching, the juveniles leave the nest, and gather into small groups known as pods.
The brown pelican is the national bird of Saint Martin, Barbados, Saint Kitts and Nevis, and the Turks and Caicos Islands, and the official state bird of Louisiana, appearing on the flag, seal, or coat of arms of each.