Vulpes pallida Skull Replica measures 3.7 inches. Vulpes pallida Skull Replica is museum quality polyurethane cast. Made in USA. Cast of an original California Academy of Sciences specimen. 2-part skull (separate cranium and jaw). Known as Pale Sand Fox.
Sand Fox or Vulpes pallida is a small very pale fox with large ears, long legs and a relatively thin coat. Habitat is South Sahara and Sahel from Mauritania to the Red Sea, in steppe country, sandy and stony deserts.
Sand Fox or Vulpes pallida is long-bodied with relatively short legs and a narrow muzzle. It is a relatively small canid with weight ranging from 4 to 6 pounds. The ears are large compared to other foxes but is typical of a desert inhabiting canid.
The skull of the Sand fox and of the Rueppell’s fox are similar except that the bullae of the pale fox are slightly larger and the nasals are appreciably longer.
The pupil of its eye generally appears elliptical in strong light. The fox’s eye is surrounded by a dark ring.
Sand Fox or Vulpes pallida fur is generally a pale sandy color that turns white towards the belly. Its bushy tail is reddish brown and black at the tip.
Vulpes pallida is native to the Sahel, the semi-arid regions to the south of the Sahara Desert. It is present in Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, South Sudan and Sudan.
The habitat is sandy or stony arid terrain, and the Vulpes pallida is able to relocate southwards and northwards in relation to the periodic droughts that affect these regions.
The Sand fox is predominately nocturnal. It has no known enemies. It is gregarious, and usually lives in a pack with three adults.
Pale Fox or Vulpes pallida inhabits stony deserts and semi-deserts although it occasionally ventures south into the savanna. It lives in small family groups with parents and their young.
During the day they rest in dug burrows that can extend up to 15 meters long and descend up to 2 meters to the ground, at dusk they venture out and forage for food, which includes plants and berries as well as rodents, reptiles and insects.
It has the ability to retain water from its food, and can go almost completely without drinking.
There are 51-53 days in the gestation period of the pale fox. Three to six young are born per birth; each pup weighs 1.7-3.8 ounces. The weaning period takes six to eight weeks. The pale fox’s life span is not more than 10 years.