Plant Fossils

Plant Fossils

  • Annularia Calamites Cross-Section Replica

    Prehistoric plants of North America fossils of this genus have been discovered in the Permian strata of Russia and in the Carboniferous (around 360 to 300 million years ago) strata…

  • Brachiopod Conglomerate Panel

    Articulate brachiopods have toothed hinges and simple opening and closing muscles, while inarticulate brachiopods have untoothed hinges and a more complex system of muscles used to keep the two valves…

  • Calamites Tree Trunk Fossil

    The trunks of Calamites had a distinctive segmented, bamboo-like appearance and vertical ribbing. The branches, leaves and cones were all borne in whorls. The leaves were needle-shaped, with up to…

  • Calamites Tree Trunk Replica

    The trunks of Calamites had a distinctive segmented, bamboo-like appearance and vertical ribbing. The branches, leaves and cones were all borne in whorls. The leaves were needle-shaped, with up to…

  • Crinoid 4 Specimen Slab

    At some stage in their life, most crinoids have a stem used to attach themselves to the substrate, but many live attached only as juveniles and become free swimming as…

  • Crinoid Dizygocrinus Hisforcrinus Plaque

    Dizygocrinus is recognized from both the late Osagean and Meramecian on both the eastern and western margins of the Illinois Basin. Dizygocrinus is first recognized virtually simultaneously on both the…

  • Crinoid Ethelocriunus magister Replica

    The large crowns with complex, branching, pinnulated arms and thick, ornamented plates suggests that Ethelocrinus magister preferred warm, shallow water environments in which food supplies of organic matter suspended in…

  • Crinoid Holdfast Bulb Replica

    Holdfasts vary in shape and form depending on both the species and the substrate type. The holdfasts of organisms that live in muddy substrates often have complex tangles of root-like…

  • Crinoid Parisangulocrinus Replica

    The calyx is truncated cone-shaped as in Rhadinocrinus. However, the arms are dichotomously forked up to four times. The anal sac is long, slender, and cob-like.

  • Crinoid Saccocoma petinata Panel

    Originating in the 150 million year old Jurassic Solnhofen Lithographic Limestone deposits near Bavaria, Germany, these pelagic (free-floating) comatulid crinoids are known as Saccocoma pectinata.

  • Crinoid Scyphocrinus Plaque

    Adult crinoids Scyphocrinus are characterized by having the mouth located on the upper surface. This is surrounded by feeding arms, and is linked to a U-shaped gut, with the anus…

  • Crinoid Sea Floor Replica

    Those crinoids which, in their adult form, are attached to the sea bottom by a stalk are commonly called sea lilies, while the unstalked forms are called feather stars or…

  • Cycad Frond Plant Replica

    They typically grow very slowly and live very long, with some specimens known to be as much as 1,000 years old. Because of their superficial resemblance, they are sometimes mistaken…

  • Cycad Tree Stump Replica

    They usually have pinnate leaves. The individual plants are either all male or all female (dioecious). Cycads vary in size from having trunks only a few centimeters to several meters…

  • Ginkgo Leaf Eocene Replica

    Ginkgos or Maidenhair trees are large trees, normally reaching a height of 66–115 feet, with some specimens in China being over 160 feet. The tree has an angular crown and…

  • Lepidodendron Bark Replica

    As the trees aged, the wood produced by the unifacial cambium decreased towards the top of the plant such that terminal twigs resembled young Lepidodendron stems.

  • Lepidodendron Bark Replica 8.3

    They were part of the coal forest flora. They sometimes reached heights of over 100 feet, and the trunks were often over 3.3 feet in diameter.

  • Lepidodendron Foliage Fossil Replica

    Lepidodendron is one of the more common plant fossils found in Pennsylvanian (Late Carboniferous) age rocks. They are closely related to other extinct lycopsid genera.

  • Seed Fern Foliage Fossil

    Their discovery attracted considerable attention at the time, as the pteridosperms were the first extinct group of vascular plants to be identified solely from the fossil record.

  • Seed Fern Foliage Replica

    The earliest fossil evidence for plants of this type is the genus Elkinsia of the late Devonian age. They flourished particularly during the Carboniferous and Permian periods.

  • Sigillaria Lycopod Bark Replica

    The old leaf bases expanded as the trunk grew in width, and left a diamond-shaped pattern, which is evident in fossils. These leaf scars were arranged in vertical rows.

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