Seal Skulls
Allodesmus Kelloggi Mounted Skeleton
Allodesmus had the specific anatomical features found in modern polygynous pinnipeds: strong canines for fights between bulls and teeth with well-defined growth zones, a result from periodic fasting (in order…
Allodesmus Kelloggi Skeleton Panel
Allodesmus is an extinct genus of pinniped from the middle to late Miocene of California and Japan that belongs to the extinct pinniped family Desmatophocidae.
Allodesmus Kelloggi Skull Replica
Allodesmus is an extinct genus of pinniped from the middle to late Miocene of California and Japan that belongs to the extinct pinniped family Desmatophocidae.
Allodesmus kelloggi Unmounted Skeleton
Allodesmus is an extinct genus of pinniped from the middle to late Miocene of California and Japan that belongs to the extinct pinniped family Desmatophocidae.
Baikal Seal Skull Replica
The skull structure of the Baikal Seal suggests it is closely related to the Caspian Seal. In addition, the morphological structures in both species suggest they are descended from Arctic…
California Elephant Seal Female Skull
California Elephant Seals spend up to 80 percent of their lives in the ocean. They can hold their breath for more than 100 minutes. California Elephant seals spend the majority…
California Elephant Seal Male Skull
California Elephant Seals can hold their breath for longer than almost any other mammal, diving beneath the waves for up to two hours without surfacing for air. They spend up…
Caribbean Monk Seal Skull
This species had a distinctive head and face. The head was rounded with an extended broad muzzle. The face had relatively large wide-spaced eyes, upward opening nostrils, and fairly big…
Crabeater Seal Skull Replica
The Crabeater Seal are by far the most abundant seal species in the world due to its specialized predation on the abundant Antarctic krill of the Southern Ocean, for which…
Gray Seal Skull Replica
The Grey Seal (Halichoerus grypus) is a large seal of the family Phocidae, which are commonly referred to as “true seals” or “earless seals”. The only species classified in the…
Harbor Seal Skull Replica
The Harbor Seal also known as the common seal, is found along temperate and Arctic marine coastlines of the Northern Hemisphere. The most widely distributed species of pinniped, they are…
Harp Seal Skull Replica
The Harp seal or Pagophilus groenlandicus eyes are large for its body size and contain a large spherical lens, which improves its focusing ability. Its pupil is mobile to help…
Hawaiian Male Monk Seal Skull
The Hawaiian Monk Seal (Neomonachus schauinslandi) is an endangered species of earless seal in the family Phocidae that is endemic to the Hawaiian Islands. The Hawaiian monk seal is the…
Hooded Seal Skull Replica
The generic name Cystophora means “bladder-bearer” in Greek, from the species’ inflatable bladder septum on the head of the adult male. This bladder hangs between the eyes and down over…
Leopard Seal Skull Replica
Leopard Seals have an enormous mouth relative to their body size. The front teeth are sharp like those of other carnivores, but their molars lock together in a way that…
Mediterranean Monk Seal Skull
The Mediterranean Monk Seal, numbering fewer than 500 individuals in the world, is one of the world’s most endangered mammals. This species feeds on a variety of fish as well…
Northern Fur Seal Female Skull
The Northern Fur Seal ranges in the Pacific ocean from California to southern Alaska. Fur seals have thick pelage that aids to insulate this cold water species. They are solitary…
Northern Fur Seal Male Skull
The Northern Fur Seal ranges in the Pacific ocean from California to southern Alaska. Fur seals have thick pelage that aids to insulate this cold water species. They are solitary…
Ribbon Seal Skull Replica
Male Ribbon Seals are typically larger than females. This is particularly recognizable in their skull morphology because male nostril openings are much larger than females. Larger males are hypothesized to…
Ringed Seal Skull Replica
Female Ringed Seals usually begin mating in late April. Males will roam the ice for a mate. When found, the male and female may spend several days together before mating….
Spotted Seal Skull Replica
Spotted Seals sexual maturity is attained around the age of four. January to mid-April is the breeding season. Pup births peak in mid-March. During breeding season, they form families made…
Subantarctic Fur Seal Female Skull
The Subantarctic Fur Seal, as its name suggests, is native to the Antarctic subcontinent, although breeding colonies can be found in the south Pacific and Indian oceans.
Walrus Male Skull Replica
Walrus tusks are slightly longer and thicker among males, which use them for fighting, dominance and display; the strongest males with the largest tusks typically dominate social groups.
Walrus Single Tusk Replica
Walrus tusks are slightly longer and thicker among males, which use them for fighting, dominance and display; the strongest males with the largest tusks typically dominate social groups.
Walrus Tusk Pair Replica
Walrus tusks are in fact canine teeth that never stop growing. They use them to keep breathing holes open in the ice, to fight other walrus, and to help haul…
Weddell Seal Skull Replica
The Weddell Seal inhabits the entire Antarctic continent as well as some of its neighboring islands. They feed on various fish & squid. As an adaptation to underwater nocturnal feeding,…