Fox and Wolf Skulls

Fox and Wolf Skulls

  • Aardwolf Proteles Cristatus Skull

    The Aardwolf is the smallest member of the hyena family Hyaenidae. The Aardwolf is an insectivore, existing mainly on termites. Externally, Aardwolves resemble Hyenas, but their skull characteristics and dentition…

  • African Cape Fox Skull

    The African Cape fox is native to the arid savannas and semi-desert scrub of sub-Saharan Africa. This nocturnal species is primarily solitary but sometimes den communally. The cape fox will…

  • Alaskan Wolf Skull Replica

    The Alaskan Gray Wolf, a large canine native to Eurasia and North America, is the largest extant member of its family. They are social animals that live in families consisting…

  • Arctic Fox Male Skull

    The Arctic Fox is found in the northern Arctic regions of Eurasia, North America, Greenland and Iceland. This species’ dense coat provides protection from the harsh temperatures and changes color…

  • Bat-Eared Fox Skull Replica

    The Bat-Eared Fox, native to the African savanna, is named for its large bat-like ears. The teeth of this insectivorous species are much smaller than teeth of other canid species….

  • Dire Wolf Skeleton Mounted Replica

    The Dire Wolf was nearly twice the size of modern wolves. The Dire Wolf of the Pleistocene epoch is the largest wolf species known to have existed. They were an…

  • Dire Wolf Skull Replica

    The Dire Wolf was nearly twice the size of modern wolves. The Dire Wolf of the Pleistocene epoch is the largest wolf species known to have existed. They were an…

  • Fennec Fox Skull Replica

    The Fennec Fox, smallest of the fox family, is indigenous to the sandy deserts of North Africa. Males mark territories with urine and become aggressive during the breeding season. Pups…

  • Gray Fox Skull Replica

    The Gray Fox is unique among canids in its ability to climb trees. They have strong, hooked claws that allow them to scramble up trees to avoid predators or to…

  • Gray Timber Wolf Skull

    Gray Timber Wolves are carnivores. They hunt prey on their own, steal the prey of other predators, or scavenge carrion. The Gray Timber Wolf is a highly social, pack-living animal….

  • Island Gray Fox Skull Replica

    The Island Gray Fox is native to 6 of the Channel islands off the coast of California. They eat small mammals, birds, invertebrates and some plants. In 2003, it was…

  • Kit Fox Skull Replica

    The Kit Fox is a small nocturnal, canid native to arid desert regions of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. Its outward appearance is very similar to that of…

  • Maned Wolf Skull Replica

    Maned Wolves are a species of South American canid native to Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, and Peru. They are the largest canid in South America, standing up to 3 feet…

  • Pale Sand Fox Skull Replica

    The Pale Sand Fox is native to regions of Africa including Senegal, Sudan and Somalia. This species is nocturnal and gregarious, living in small packs usually consisting of three individuals….

  • Red Fox Skull Replica

    The Red Fox is native to North America, Europe and most of Asia and has been introduced to Australia and Africa. The Red Fox stands motionless, listening and watching intently…

  • Red Wolf Skull Replica

    The Red Wolf once ranged over much of the southeastern US. Today, the Red Wolf is only found in isolated reintroduction areas with populations numbering a few hundred individuals. This…

  • South-American Gray Fox Skull

    Lycalopex griseus, also known as the Patagonian fox, Pampas Fox, Chilla or the Gray Zorro, is a species of Lycalopex, the “false” foxes. It is endemic to the southern part…

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