Reptile Skulls Replicas

Reptile Skulls Replicas

  • Aldabra Giant Tortoise Skull

    Historically, Giant Tortoises were found on many of the western Indian Ocean islands, as well as Madagascar, and the fossil record indicates giant tortoises once occurred on every continent and…

  • Alligator Osteoderm Replica

    Like other Crocodilians, Alligators have an armor of bony scutes. The dermal bones are highly vascularized and aid in calcium balance, both to neutralize acids while the animal cannot breathe…

  • Alligator Snapping Turtle Skull

    The Alligator Snapping Turtle (Macrochelys temminckii) is a large species of turtle in the family Chelydridae. The species is native to freshwater habitats in the United States.

  • American Alligator Skull Replica

    The American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis), sometimes referred to colloquially as a gator or common alligator, is a large crocodilian reptile native to the Southeastern United States and a small section…

  • American Alligator Teaching Skull

    The American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis), sometimes referred to colloquially as a gator or common alligator, is a large crocodilian reptile native to the Southeastern United States and a small section…

  • American Crocodile Skull Replica

    The American Crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) is a species of crocodilian found in the Neotropics. It is the most widespread of crocodiles from the Americas, with populations present from South Florida…

  • American Crocodile Teaching Skull

    The American Crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) is a species of crocodilian found in the Neotropics. It is the most widespread from the Americas, with populations present from South Florida and the…

  • Asian Water Monitor Skull

    The Asian Water Monitor (Varanus salvator) is a large varanid lizard native to South and Southeast Asia. It is one of the most common monitor lizards in Asia.

  • Black Caiman Skull Replica

    The Black Caiman is structurally dissimilar to other caiman species, particularly in the shape of the skull. it has distinctly larger eyes. Although the snout is relatively narrow, the skull…

  • Broad-Snouted Caiman Skull Replica

    The Broad-Snouted Caiman (Caiman latirostris) is a crocodilian in the family Alligatoridae found in eastern and central South America, including southeastern Brazil, northern Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Bolivia.

  • Caiman Lizard Skull Replica

    The genus Dracaena, also called Caiman Lizards or water tegus, is in the teiid family, along with tegus and ameivas. Caiman Lizards are found in South America in Ecuador, Colombia,…

  • Chinese Alligator Skull Replica

    The Chinese Alligator previously had a wide range and population, but habitat destruction caused the species’ population and range to decline. The population was about 1,000 in the 1970s, decreased…

  • Common Snapping Turtle Skull

    The Common Snapping Turtle (Chelydra serpentina) is a species of large freshwater turtle in the family Chelydridae. It’s range extends from southeastern Canada, southwest to the edge of the Rocky…

  • Cosgriffius Skull Replica

    Cosgriffius is an extinct genus of trematosaurian temnospondyl within the family Trematosauridae. It was described by Samuel P. Welles based on a single partial skull from the well-known Meteor Crater…

  • Cretaceous Sea Turtle Disarticulated Skeleton

    Protostega Sea Turtle is an extinct genus of sea turtle containing a single species, Protostega gigas. Its fossil remains have been found in the Smoky Hill Chalk formation of western…

  • Cretaceous Sea Turtle Skeleton Replica

    Protostega Sea Turtle is an extinct genus of sea turtle containing a single species, Protostega gigas. Its fossil remains have been found in the Smoky Hill Chalk formation of western…

  • Desert Tortoise Skull Replica

    The Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) is a species of tortoise in the family Testudinidae. The species is native to the Mojave and Sonoran Deserts of the southwestern United States and…

  • Dicynodon Grimbeeki Skull Replica

    Diictodon is an extinct genus of pylaecephalid dicynodont that lived during the Late Permian period, approximately 255 million years ago. Fossils have been found in the Cistecephalus Assemblage Zone of…

  • Dicynodont Grimbeeki Skull Replicas

    Diictodont is an extinct genus of pylaecephalid dicynodont that lived during the Late Permian period, approximately 255 million years ago. Fossils have been found in the Cistecephalus Assemblage Zone of…

  • Dimetrodon limbatus Skull Replica

    Single openings in the skull behind each eye, known as temporal fenestrae, and other skull features distinguish Dimetrodon and true mammals from most of the earliest sauropsids.

  • Dwarf Caiman Skull Replica

    Cuvier’s Dwarf Caimans are mainly nocturnal. Adults feed on fish, amphibians, small mammals, birds, crabs, shrimp, molluscs, insects, and other invertebrates. Juveniles consume crustaceans, tadpoles, frogs, snails, as well  as…

  • Dwarf Crocodile Skull Replica

    As a result of its small size and heightened vulnerability to predation, the Dwarf Crocodile has a heavily armored neck, back, and tail and also has osteoderms on its belly…

  • Eocyclotosaurus appetolatus Skull Replica

    Eocyclotosaurus is an extinct genus of mastodonsauroid temnospondyl from the Middle Triassic. It is characterized as a capitosauroid with a long and slender snout, closed otic fenestra, and small orbits….

  • False Gharial Skull Replica

    The False Gharial (Tomistoma schlegelii), also known by Malayan gharial, Sunda gharial and tomistoma, is a freshwater crocodilian of the family Gavialidae native to Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, Sumatra and Java.

  • False-Gharial Skull Large Replica

    The False Gharial (Tomistoma schlegelii), also known by Malayan gharial, Sunda gharial and tomistoma, is a freshwater crocodilian of the family Gavialidae native to Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, Sumatra and Java.

  • Gaboon Viper Skull Replica

    The Gaboon Viper Snake (Bitis gabonica), also called the Gaboon adder, is a viper species found in the rainforests and savannas of sub-Saharan Africa. It is the largest member of…

  • Galapagos Land Iguana Skull

    The Galápagos Land Iguana (Conolophus subcristatus) is a very large lizard in the family Iguanidae. It is endemic to the Galápagos Islands of Fernandina, Isabela, Santa Cruz, North Seymour, Baltra,…

  • Galapagos Tortoise Skull Replica

    The Galápagos Tortoise or Galápagos Giant Tortoise (Chelonoidis niger) is a very large species of tortoise in the genus Chelonoidis. It is the largest living species of tortoise, with some…

  • Ganges Gavial Skull Replica

    The Ganges Gharial is well adapted to hunting fish because of its sharp interlocking teeth and long narrow snout, which meets little resistance in the water and swallows it whole….

  • Giganotosaurus Skull Profile Plaque

    Length estimates for the Giganotosaurus carolinii have varied between 39 and 43 ft., with a skull between 5.0 and 5.9 ft. long, a femur (thigh bone) between 4.48 and 4.69…

  • Gila Monster Male Skull

    The Gila Monster is a venomous lizard native to the Southwestern United States and the northwestern Mexican state of Sonora. It is a heavy, slow-moving reptile, up to 22 in….

  • Gorgonopsial Skull Plaque

    Gorgonopsia is an extinct clade of sabre-toothed therapsids from the Middle to Upper Permian roughly 265 to 252 million years ago. They are characterised by a long and narrow skull.

  • Green Iguana Skull Replica

    The Green Iguana (Iguana iguana), also known as the American iguana or the common green iguana, is a large, arboreal, mostly herbivorous species of lizard of the genus Iguana. Usually,…

  • Green Sea Turtle Skull Replica

    The Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas), also known as the green turtle, black (sea) turtle or Pacific green turtle, is a species of large sea turtle of the family Cheloniidae….

  • Hawksbill Sea Turtle Skull

    The Hawksbill Sea Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) is a critically endangered sea turtle belonging to the family Cheloniidae. Their global distribution is limited to tropical and subtropical marine & estuary ecosystems.

  • Ichthyosaur Skeleton Panel

    Ichthyosauria (Ancient Greek for fish lizard) is an order of large extinct marine reptiles sometimes referred to as “ichthyosaurs,” although the term is also used for wider clades that the…

  • Ichthyosaur Skeleton Plaque

    Ichthyosauria (Ancient Greek for fish lizard) is an order of large extinct marine reptiles sometimes referred to as “ichthyosaurs,” although the term is also used for wider clades that the…

  • Komodo Dragon Claw Replica

    Komodo Dragon skin is reinforced by armored scales, that contain osteoderms that function as a natural chain-mail. The only areas lacking osteoderms on the head are around the eyes, nostrils,…

  • Komodo Dragon Female Disarticulated Skeleton

    Komodo Dragon skin is reinforced by armored scales, that contain osteoderms that function as a natural chain-mail. The only areas lacking osteoderms on the head are around the eyes, nostrils,…

  • Komodo Dragon Female Mounted Skeleton

    Komodo Dragon skin is reinforced by armored scales, that contain osteoderms that function as a natural chain-mail. The only areas lacking osteoderms on the head are around the eyes, nostrils,…

  • Komodo Dragon Female Skull

    Komodo Dragon skin is reinforced by armored scales, that contain osteoderms that function as a natural chain-mail. The only areas lacking osteoderms on the head are around the eyes, nostrils,…

  • Komodo Dragon Male Skull

    Komodo Dragon skin is reinforced by armored scales, that contain osteoderms that function as a natural chain-mail. The only areas lacking osteoderms on the head are around the eyes, nostrils,…

  • Leatherback Turtle Skeleton Replica

    The Leatherback Sea Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), also called the lute turtle, leathery turtle or simply the luth, is the largest of all living turtles and the heaviest non-crocodilian reptile, reaching…

  • Leatherback Turtle Skull Replica

    The Leatherback Sea Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), sometimes called the lute turtle, leathery turtle or simply the luth, is the largest of all living turtles and the heaviest non-crocodilian reptile, reaching…

  • Loggerhead Turtle Skull Replica

    The Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Caretta caretta) is a species of oceanic turtle distributed throughout the world. It is a marine reptile, belonging to the family Cheloniidae. The average loggerhead measures…

  • Matamata Turtle Skull Replica

    The Mata mata, Mata-mata, or Matamata (Chelus fimbriata) is a South America species of freshwater turtle found in the Amazon basin and river system of the Eastern Guianas. Some authorities…

  • Mesosaur Skeleton Plaque

    A characteristic of Mesosaur was the length of the tail and the amount of caudal vertebrae. There were about 60-64 caudal vertebrae, which is very predictable for an aquatic predator…

  • Miocene Leatherback Turtle Skull

    Psephophorus is an extinct genus of Sea Turtle that lived from the Oligocene to the Pliocene. Its remains have been found in Europe, Africa, North America, and New Zealand.

  • Mugger Crocodile Skull Model

    The Mugger Crocodile (Crocodylus palustris ) is a crocodile of medium to large size with the broadest snout of all the living members of the genus Crocodylus. It lives in…

  • Nanosaurus Rex Skull Profile

    Nanosaurus or Nanosaurus agilis is known from material from all parts of the body, including two good skeletons, although the skull is still poorly known. It was a small animal,…

  • Nile Crocodile Skull Replica

    Nile Crocodiles are opportunistic apex predators; a very aggressive crocodile, they are capable of taking almost any animal within their range. Their diet consists mostly of different species of fish,…

  • Olive Ridley Sea Turtle Skull

    The Olive Ridley Sea Turtle carapace is flattened dorsally and highest anterior to the bridge. It has a medium-sized, broad head that appears triangular from above. The head’s concave sides…

  • Pareiasaurus Juvenile Skeleton Disarticulated

    Pareiasaurus is an extinct genus of pareiasauromorph reptile from the Permian period. It was a typical member of its family, the pareiasaurids, which take their name from this genus.

  • Pareiasaurus Juvenile Skull Replica

    Pareiasaurus is an extinct genus of pareiasauromorph reptile from the Permian period. It was a typical member of its family, the pareiasaurids, which take their name from this genus.

  • Plesiosaurus Disarticulated Skeleton

    Plesiosaurus is a genus of extinct, large marine sauropterygian reptile that lived during the Early Jurassic. It is known by nearly complete skeletons from the Lias of England. It is…

  • Plesiosaurus Skeleton Mounted Replica

    Plesiosaurus is a genus of extinct, large marine sauropterygian reptile that lived during the Early Jurassic. It is known by nearly complete skeletons from the Lias of England. It is…

  • Plesiosaurus Skull Replica

    Plesiosaurus or Plesiosaurus dolichodeirus were among the first fossil reptiles discovered. In the beginning of the nineteenth century, scientists realized how distinctive their build was and they were named as a…

  • Pond Turtle Skull Replica

    The range of the Western Pond Turtle extends from the Puget Sound lowlands in Washington through western Oregon and California, south to Baja California. This aquatic turtle lives in streams,…

  • Protostega Gigas Turtle Skull

    Protostegidae is a family of extinct marine turtles that lived during the Cretaceous period. The family includes some of the largest sea turtles that ever existed. They had flattened bodies…

  • Pterosaur Diving Model

    Pterosaurs or Tropeognathus mesembrinus or “wing lizard” were flying reptiles of the extinct clade or order Pterosauria. They existed during most of the Mesozoic.

  • Reticulated Python Skull Replica

    The Reticulated Python (Malayopython reticulatus) is a python species native to South and Southeast Asia. It is the world’s longest and heaviest snake. It is listed as least concern on…

  • Rhinoceros Iguana Skull Replica

    The Rhinoceros Iguana (Cyclura cornuta) is an endangered species of iguana that is endemic to the Caribbean island of Hispaniola and its surrounding islands. A large lizard, they vary in…

  • Salt Water Crocodile Skull

    The Saltwater Crocodile, also known as Saltie, Estuarine or Indo-Pacific Crocodile, is the largest of all living reptiles, as well as the largest terrestrial predator in the world. Due to…

  • Slender Snouted Crocodile Skull

    The Slender-snouted Crocodile is a narrow-snouted, medium sized species native to freshwater habitats in central and western Africa. They are a very shy and secretive species.

  • Smooth Fronted Caiman Skull

    The Smooth Fronted Caiman (Paleosuchus trigonatus) is a small to medium-sized crocodilian species native to the Amazon rainforest and other freshwater habitats in South America.

  • Stylemys nebracensis Skull Replica

    Stylemys is the first fossil genus of dry land tortoise belonging to the order Testudines discovered in the United States. The genus lived in temperate to subtropical areas of North…

  • Trionyx Turtle Skeleton Replica

    Trionyx is a genus of softshell turtles belonging to the family Trionychidae. In the past many species in the family were classified in this genus, but today T. triunguis, the…

  • Trionyx Turtle Skull Replica

    Trionyx is a genus of softshell turtles belonging to the family Trionychidae. In the past many species in the family were classified in this genus, but today T. triunguis, the…

  • Tuatara Sphenodon punctatus Skull

    Tuatara have two rows of teeth in the upper jaw overlapping one row on the lower jaw. They are able to hear, although no external ear is present, and have…

  • Turtle Front Claw Replica

    Front claw fluttering behavior isn’t exclusive to seasoned adult male turtles. Youthful turtles or Chelonia mydas will occasionally shake their claws around as wooing behaviors. Until turtles are mature, claw…

  • Vigilius wellesi Skull Replica

    Vigilius is an extinct genus of brachyopid temnospondyl amphibian from the Triassic of Arizona. It is known from the single type species Vigilius wellesi.

  • Western Diamondback Rattlesnake Skull

    The Western Diamondback Rattlesnake has long, tubular fangs, which are characteristic of venomous snakes. Its tail is circled by several alternating black and white bands. The snake has a “rattle”…

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